Chris Louth medal 5000 12 years 323 days ago
Am I not able to save my setup? Why is the save option blanked out? I leave it and hope that it saves anyway, come straight back and its all changed. Quali goes on and i'm well off the pace. Another race absolutely wasted, thanks.

Richard Lawrence medal 5000 12 years 323 days ago
that was happening to me too

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 323 days ago
Try refreshing cache, it's possibly cached elements or javascript. We performed quiet a substantial upgrade earlier.

Fatmir Aysev medal 5000 12 years 323 days ago (edited 12 years 323 days ago)
Jack, one of my friends is away but he had an odd problem yesterday with setups not applying themselves.
I'm sure when he gets back after the weekend he will update you - he has screenshots of it all.
Basically, qualifying happened - He got P3 for qualifying. Upon opening the race in 2D his position wasn't right - He was showing P5 and that is where he started the race. A few other people didn't start the race where they qualified as well. Not sure what the deal is with that. P4 started in P3's spot, P5 started in P4's spot and P3 started in P5's spot.
That was problem number one.
Problem number two - He even went into his "next race" setup section (before the race) and showed me that he had done it right. The screenshot clearly shows that he had it set up for two stops/three stints on soft tyres only with 35L odd fuel load .. Now this was after lock out that he showed me, so he couldn't have possibly changed it because it doesn't let you change your pre-race strategy after lock out as you know.
Yet in the 2D race, his guy was set up for a 1 stop hard strategy with very heavy fuel loads. He only noticed the bug after he opened 2D because it showed his guy with 50 something litres in the tank, so he went back to his pre-race setup on the browser and it was still showing light fuel loads with softs.
That was problem number 2 .. How is this even possible?
Now I don't know if he was going to report the bug because he won the race any way, but I should mention it none the less.
-The grid position for the race wasn't the qualifying order.
-The applied strategy did not apply itself, even though it was still showing up in the setup section.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 323 days ago
Something similar happened to me yesterday.
I set up my second driver from loading the first drivers stats.
I then did 3 runs (at which point it was a perfect set-up) but the test button and save button stayed grey.
Thankfully I took a screenshot of my set-up before I closed it but when I returned it had not saved anything from the point of loading.
I set up with the stats on the screen shot and then saved - this worked ok.
I had assume (as I usually do) that it was some fault at my end!
As the set-up was for todays race I can't test this to see if it happens again until later.
I can't remember what time it was I did the set-ups to see if that has any significance.

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 323 days ago
I set up my second driver from loading the first drivers stats.
I then did 3 runs (at which point it was a perfect set-up) but the test button and save button stayed grey.
Thankfully I took a screenshot of my set-up before I closed it but when I returned it had not saved anything from the point of loading.
I set up with the stats on the screen shot and then saved - this worked ok.
This happened to me yesterday, but when i changed page it asked me to login again, so try CTRL+F5, or log-out and back in again and it should save

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 323 days ago
just got this aswell, just press another page and if your settings are like mine it will say your changes havent been saved,do you want to save them. click yes and it works, for me at least.

Fatmir Aysev medal 5000 12 years 323 days ago
Well you can rule the setup down to some kind of bug, but he has screenshots of it, i'll get them to post it up when he gets home.
But that still doesn't explain the starting grid. Why was it different to the qualifying order? That makes no sense at all :/

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 323 days ago (edited 12 years 322 days ago)
Well you can rule the setup down to some kind of bug, but he has screenshots of it, i'll get them to post it up when he gets home.
But that still doesn't explain the starting grid. Why was it different to the qualifying order? That makes no sense at all :/
im guessing (as it always is) a code?

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 323 days ago
Combining all of the cases above I'm as certain as I can be on what this was.
After performing the update, my account became stuck in a redirect loop (a sessions issue). Not wanting to leave it to chance that this could be happening to others, I cleared all stored sessions. This will have seamlessly created a new session for everyone, such that you wouldn't have known you were ever logged out, but you were.
All of the side-effects can be explained by this, and the fact that everyone is saying it happened yesterday correlates well with that. As you were all logged out, but not re-loading any pages (only using AJAX requests on test runs / save buttons etc.) they wouldn't have registered.
The odd one out is the qualifying that showed a different grid to the race start. But that could also be explained by the upgrades to the entire race system. The upgrade we performed yesterday was a pretty huge change to the system as I said before, so there were bound to be a couple of teething issues in the transfer.
I feel very sorry for anyone that is adversely effected when things like this happen. We performed it at the quietist time of day when no races were happening, but several were obviously doing setups at that time. I can think of a couple of measures we can take to notify people that changes won't be saved if we need to in future.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 323 days ago
Jesun, off the top of my head I can't think why the grid might have been wrong in the way you mention. If you could give me a link to the results for the race in question, I can investigate further to try to explain what happened. Thanks.

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 323 days ago
^ Pretty sure its this 1 {as i got a message on Skype.. J. Young qualified 3rd, but started actual race in 5th} not sure who else all moved about
Fatmir Aysev medal 5000 12 years 323 days ago
Thats the one. Sorry it wasn't me (it was my friend who was running J Young) and I dont have the access password to that league so I couldn't link you.
I was spectating the race in 2D though, and James sent me the link to the race from the moment qualifying was over. J Young qualified third but started the race in fifth. We couldn't work it out. He was showing P3 on the grid in the browser under Qualifiying Results but on track, P5.

Fatmir Aysev medal 5000 12 years 323 days ago
As I said, he doesn't want the race re-done since he won any way, but just thought I should mention this uncase it happened to any one else.

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 323 days ago
This is the race that I delayed by 2 days after the connection problems, and that's what caused it.
Qualifying was inserted the first time around a few days ago, so when it tried to run it again for the delayed race it didn't overwrite the qualifying data on the site, but it did generate a new grid. This resulted in the old grid being shown on the site despite a new one being used to run the race.
As is often the case with things like this, one change has a butterfly effect through the rest of the data. The good news is it won't happen as long as I'm not moving your calendar around anymore, which under normal circumstances I shouldn't be.