Leo Yeo medal 5045 6 years 297 days ago
Why do the tyres heat up on straights? I'm no racing expert but I thought tyre temperature and wear increased while turning. I think engine wear should increase in straights if it doesn't already. A problem with changing the way the tyres function would be that push level would make less of a difference on tyre wear so I guess PL would have to be changed to also affect braking distances or steering aggression or something else...
Rik Sinnige medal 5000 6 years 297 days ago
The PL affects braking distances and steering agression, and affecting the steering agression it affects the tyre wear too, same for the engine and fuel economy as your driver will use more fuel because of turning the engine up. Idk why it affects tyres, but it doesn't affect them too much as my tyres still heat up the most in corners when I use a higher pl, and you can switch it too a lower PL too if you want on straights to keep the tyres a little bit cooler, but it won't really cool them down.