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Username help (NEED HELP ASAP)

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medal 5000
6 years 296 days ago
I'm logged in on my phone automatically for some reason, but I can't get in on my computer because I don't remember my username and I have tried every single one I ever use, can a moderator or someone help me ASAP so that I don't get booted from the league I joined today?
medal 5000
6 years 296 days ago (edited 6 years 296 days ago)
You know your username is your email yes? I'll look what I can do for you.
Don't log out on your mobile phone as you won't get in anymore.
As long as you can't log in on PC, you can still play the game on the app yes? And if you don't have the app you can always go to the site and play it there as long as needed, you only can't watch the race on the site when on mobile.
medal 5000
6 years 296 days ago
You have to email for that, including your accounts name, team name and league name, when you have done that you can get recovery acces.
medal 5088
6 years 294 days ago

I'm logged in on my phone automatically for some reason, but I can't get in on my computer because I don't remember my username and I have tried every single one I ever use, can a moderator or someone help me ASAP so that I don't get booted from the league I joined today?

Hi Kieran, if you still have not re-gained access please e-mail as soon as you can with the name of your account, team, and league to which you've lost access to.
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