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Auctions and KO stages

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medal 5000
6 years 313 days ago
I had a couple of auctions, but not many so far. Although I've noticed some "sketchiness", I didn't read through the help, because apparently I like to waste a chunk of tokens for absolutely nothing. Maybe it's an undiscovered fetish of mine.

Long story short, I just managed to waste 12 tokens and still failed to get what I wanted. Knockout round 11 when my fetish said "that's enough". So after losing I took a trip to the help page to see what's up with auction, looks like bidding will never stop until someone backs off. Which kinda makes sense I guess, that's how a real auction works, but still I have to ask, why do we even need a timer and different stages then? One would think that 2-3 rounds to eliminate players, then once the timer clocks out, the highest bidder wins. I don't really see the point.

Surely it's my fault for not reading it, "learner money" if you will (if I will), but still I don't really see the point of this. Either have a single round and make it "last man standing", or keep the knockout stages, but then make players actually "knockout-able".
medal 5000
6 years 313 days ago
The timer is to have people wait for the very last moment to do their bid when they only have one left.
In this way people would be more encouraged to buy staff using nine tokens, and make people not win on who bets the latest, but who really has the most money for him here.
medal 5000
6 years 312 days ago
And it works out cheaper
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