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Market Price

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medal 5000
6 years 294 days ago
Hello. I'm quite new to this game, so I'm not expert. 
I have a question: I sold two drivers, choosing the "BID" mode, but I think they have been sold with the "Buy now" options.
So I lost some money. Is possible to change this way?

medal 5000
6 years 294 days ago
Hi Liuk.
You did not lose any money. When you put your drivers up for auction and another manager uses the buy now button they get it for half off the asking price but the selling manager still gets the full asking price credited to their account.  
medal 5000
6 years 294 days ago

Hi Liuk.
You did not lose any money. When you put your drivers up for auction and another manager uses the buy now button they get it for half off the asking price but the selling manager still gets the full asking price credited to their account.  

Sure? My two drivers had a price over 4.000.000€, but in my transaction hystory the values are:

1) 2.201.692 
2) 2.289.018

medal 5088
6 years 294 days ago
Only the starting selling price is awarded to the seller, otherwise players will abuse the bidding system to get more cash for free.
medal 5000
6 years 293 days ago

Only the starting selling price is awarded to the seller, otherwise players will abuse the bidding system to get more cash for free.

Ok, but what is the starting selling price? I have choosen the "BID" mode...
medal 5088
6 years 293 days ago
It is whatever price is listed for the auction price.

In the below example the auction price is $7.1 million. The auction price is what you will receive regardless of what the winning bidder pays.

medal 5000
6 years 293 days ago
As I wrote, my two drivers had a price over 4.000.000€, but in my transaction hystory the values are:

1) 2.201.692 
2) 2.289.018

Is it a Bug?
medal 5088
6 years 293 days ago
Did they both each have a price over $4m?
medal 5000
6 years 293 days ago

Did they both each have a price over $4m?

I don't remember perfectly, but I think it.
medal 5088
6 years 289 days ago
Hi Liuk, I've looked at your finances history. The money you received from your drivers sales were lower than expected because you sold them for the "Sell now" price.

When the finances history shows "Driver wages", this indicates the drivers were sold immediately.
If instead if were to have shown "Signing fees", this would have indicated they were sold via auction.
medal 5000
6 years 288 days ago

Hi Liuk, I've looked at your finances history. The money you received from your drivers sales were lower than expected because you sold them for the "Sell now" price.

When the finances history shows "Driver wages", this indicates the drivers were sold immediately.
If instead if were to have shown "Signing fees", this would have indicated they were sold via auction.

I understood, but I never choose the "Sell now" mode.

And Ian says:
Ian Mason MODERATOR  8397
6 days ago
Hi Liuk.
You did not lose any money. When you put your drivers up for auction and another manager uses the buy now button they get it for half off the asking price but the selling manager still gets the full asking price credited to their account.

Is it true or not?


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