Amelia Lyons medal 5146 12 years 310 days ago (edited 12 years 310 days ago)
Spying is to easy and effective, so it’s not really worth it to “sacrifice” one season to get a better car for next season
Generally I tend to have full next season designing and use spy to improve the current season this method allows me to start with a 50-72. I prefer starting with a strong car with small improvements over the year with some additional boosts somewhere. Spying doesn't always work though, even if your performance is about 10 lower than theres, you may not find an upgrade to your model.
There should be new sponsors and technical suppliers coming every once in a while, just like existing ones should leave
View my post
here. There is a huge detail of suggestions on advancing your team and sponsor/engines. The level of performance of engines should vary, but league seasons move a different speeds so updating them can be hectic at best.
There is no development in technical suppliers, their qualities don’t change. Therefore everyone signs contracts with best engine, tyre and fuel brand and stays there.
Read the above response.
More Action on the personnel could be interesting. Other teams try to get your staff just like you try to get theirs, therefore negotiations like in real F1. Rich teams get the good staff.
Team to team bidding should definately be available, however there would be two situations to jumping teams. After contract, the jumping staff would not include a penalty of compensation, however if they left the team under contract without successful request of release would penalize the signing team and the driver about 33% of their sign on fee from the new team and say 3 race wages given to the new team from the driver.
I’m missing an option for pre-season or in-season tests
Right now there is no 'testing' for car pieces but testing during a season is generally banned and must be field tested during practice or a race. Pre-season testing will require further depth in attributes which new car pieces will give. Something like 50 practices attaching new equipment to the car during that time would allow upgrades to be tested to see which one performs better.
You might also think about including an option to design your car to be good at fast or slow tracks, easy to drive and slower or tricky but faster
Fuel setting is what you are considering, braking Bias aswell. Two things can change in a race per car and driver which can influence the race. Mechanical Changes and Driver strategy changes. Pushing system is a driver centered system. Mechanical would be Fuel mixture and Brake Bias which is changable to consume less or more fuel and the brake bias would be entirely driver-only function which provides technical training.
There are no more goals once you built all your facilities, therefore you just make more money but can’t really spend it on anything. Maybe an need for facility maintenance every once in a while or an option to build your own engine company, carbon parts, …
True! However suggestions to bump driver costs and new suppliers etc would give more reasons to spend. WIth alot of income and low expendure, you can fully refit your car every race.
As already mentioned in other threads, a in game weather would be a lot easier than the current system
Random weather could generate weather that doesn't make sense to the time of the year the race is currently being held. The current system works fine but should be amended slightly if we would change to a generated weather that it wouldn't raid in nearly all races.
Everyone likes to finish his races but no DNFs a just not realistic. Of course you could use poor quality and old parts in your car, though I think that’s not really the idea… Therefore some failures would be fine. And while on it, why not adding a crash feature in one way or another which would make it possible to DNF because your driver crashes (into a wall or other car). It all depending on the skills like focus, anticipation, … Perfect would be some little crashes where car loses aero parts or blows a tyre and you can repair it in the pits.
Nobody likes crashing and retirements, currently, it's exactly like FIA would want F1 to be like. Incident free, but accidents could ruin people's races and really upset people, but to add these things, Mechanic's levels would reduce the chance of failing to attach refit tyres and fuel and (as it does now) time to refit tyres an fuel. Driver's Attributes that effect skill and morale could effect his performance aswell as the pushing system. Two cars pushing hard side by side, on the final race with equal standing in the championship would try to find the tiniest gap to get infront, greatly increasing risk. This however is very long term and would require a 3D race.