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Driver Talent

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medal 5000
6 years 287 days ago
Hi again, love the game, absoloute time stealer, just one quick question, i have been training my drivers, when and how does their talent rise, or is this stuck at their respective levels?
medal 5000
6 years 287 days ago
Hi Paul
Talent does not change and can not be trained.
You buy a driver at talent 10 and that is where it will stay. 
medal 5000
6 years 287 days ago
cheers dude. does it affect their ability to drive or as their stats increase do they get better but the talent limits them too where they ca improve too?
medal 5000
6 years 287 days ago
Talent affect the driving skills directly. LV 20 talent Vs LV 15 talent wth same driving abilities trained will be much better. Think about it like certain % of yr driving abilities witch 20 talent Beeing 100%
medal 5000
6 years 287 days ago
ok i get it now, thank you guys, i guess my level 2 talent drivers need replacing, but cant see any better than 2 on transfer is this down to my level only being at level 6?
medal 5000
6 years 287 days ago
I wouldn't rely solely on transfer lists, check forum market place regularly and even ask other players in the league, some may scout their own drivers and have ones they are willing to sell 
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