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Setup: wtf??

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medal 5000
6 years 286 days ago

Newbie here. I know I've been playing for only a few days, but something doesn't add up in practice session for today's race.

Better than to explain, I'll leave you with the print screens.

On my 2nd pilot the first three laps the wing was fine. Then on lap 4 it was too low. I had to buy the ideal config on my last lap, only to find these values. The weather was the same on all laps.

Can someone explain this to me?

Thanks in advance.
medal 5000
6 years 286 days ago
I have the feeling the track was wet when you did practice, but the game though it waa dry, but I am not really sure.
medal 5000
6 years 286 days ago
Thanks mate...

Watching the practice times, track was definitely wet.

Now... which values am I supposed to use in the race?! :|
medal 5000
6 years 286 days ago
 Check five minutes before the race a race at the live race viewer and check the track, dry use the low ones, wet use the high one.
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