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Which one will be faster

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medal 5000
6 years 285 days ago
I'm trying to work out whether my talent 17 driver with the stats in the link below will be faster than my talent 20 driver while I train him up, or am I better off selling her? Putting aside cost of holding both of course .

I remember reading on the forum that an untrained talent 20 driver will be faster than a developed lower talent driver. Is this correct?

Talent 17 driver

Talent 20 driver
medal 5000
6 years 284 days ago
20 talent is worth the time, but don't race him yet, you'll have to train him up till their stats are near eachother, and look in practice which of both is fastest, when the 20 talent gets faster, sell the 17 talent.
17 talents will be around 2 to 1 tenth slower a lap than 20 talents when on the same level probably. So it's worth training a 20 talent up as you can use him till he retires.
medal 5000
6 years 284 days ago
Train Stamina first :)
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