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Beginner questions.....

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medal 5000
6 years 281 days ago
I have read the beginner and the advanced guide. Maybe I haven't understood everything, but here are a series of questions. IO hope that expoerienced players will be able to answer the questions :)

Cars and repair:
When should I repair my car (Car condition)?
When should I change engine (Engine condition)?

What should I focus on concerning chief designer, Technical director and doctor?
.....The points? The stars? What points influences what? Is it important at all?

As far as I have been told one should focus on upgrading: "Design" and "Manufacturing". Is that true?
How many stars should you go for? Anything else you should also develop in headquarter?

The race
First of all choosing tyres. That is what it is, depending on temperature.
Is it correct that tyres should stay in the "middle" concerning temperature?
When should you use battery?
Anything else you specificly should be aware of concerning the specific race?

Looking forward to hear from you :)
medal 5088
6 years 281 days ago
Due to my limited time, I'll keep this very simple, and let others add more detail.

Players often replace their parts once or twice per race, and the same with engines. Usually the performance drop off is more noticeable with the engines than parts.

At levels 8 and below, focus on hiring new staff once per season, maybe once per two seasons, depending on how fast you're leveling up. Changing staff too often can result in cash lost due to signing fees.

The stars you see on staff is an indication of their level relative to yours. If they have 4.5 or 5 stars, their level matches yours.
When it's time to look at hiring new staff, only focus on the amount of stars they have and making sure their level is the same as yours. This ensures you'll have staff who are 4.5 stars or higher.

Focus on developing the design facility first. Then, depending on if you are short on parts often, even after watching videos for free parts, you may need to develop the manufacturing facility. However, if your are doing fine on parts after watching videos for free parts, develop the technology facility with the second-most priority instead. In my opinion, the technology facility is of equal or greater importance as the design facility, but it doesn't help if you're short on parts.

I'll let you learn about the race by yourself. Enjoy!
medal 5000
6 years 281 days ago
Hi thanks for your swift answer.... you are saying: "Players often replace their parts once or twice per race, and the same with engines". I suppose you mean shifting parts AND engine after every or second race?
medal 5000
6 years 281 days ago
Hi Nikoaj, below is what I do. Does not mean it is right as other managers will differ.
Cars and repair:
When should I repair my car (Car condition)? = I repair mine after every race.

When should I change engine (Engine condition)? = At least every second race, Most of the time I change mine every race. but at your level every second race is great.

What should I focus on concerning chief designer, Technical director and doctor? = The highest stars possible for your level, so 4 and a half or 5 stars (Chief designer make sure their strength is one of the top 4 either, Acceleration, downforce, braking or handling, The flip side try and have a CD that also does not have one of those 4 as their weakness.
.....The points? The stars? What points influences what? Is it important at all? = Dont worry about the points it all to do with the stars at thee moment.

As far as I have been told one should focus on upgrading: "Design" and "Manufacturing". Is that true? = I always do design firsgt then Simulator, Technology, Manufacturing, Youth Academy then hospitality dead last. You can watch 10 adds per day to get parts so in my view Manufacturing is not as important when you first start playing the game.

How many stars should you go for? Anything else you should also develop in headquarter? = Get all 5 stars as each time you go up a level you need to update each section of your headquarters

The race
First of all choosing tyres. That is what it is, depending on temperature. = It depends on a few things, temp is one but also how long are your races. Look and see what others do as this is the best way to learn.

Is it correct that tyres should stay in the "middle" concerning temperature? Yes I run mine to just where the red starts.

When should you use battery? = There is no right or wrong time. you will learn when it is better the more races you attend.
Anything else you specificly should be aware of concerning the specific race? = Enjoy your racing and dont expect to be a world beater in your first season. Take your time and do it right.

medal 5000
6 years 275 days ago
Thanks for your answer! :)
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