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only 6 Rookies players

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medal 5000
6 years 280 days ago
my league ("CrazyLeague for talented and active players") was founded quite a few months ago and has been quite active since.
We do have active players in PRO and Elite. However, in Rookie we only have 6 players and we haven't received new players for the past week or so.

Is there anything wrong?
Is there anything I should do as a League Host?

medal 5000
6 years 279 days ago
Hey Malgorzata,
I'm sorry to hear this, this issue is known by the developers, and it is on the list to be looked at.
Unfortunately you can't do anything as a league host to improve people coming in, next to advertising on the forum.
I hope you get lucky and get new rookies fast!
medal 5088
6 years 270 days ago
Hi Malgorzata, there is no problem here. How fast a Rookie tier fills up simply depends on how many new players are joining the game at any given time.
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