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Refueling on pitstops

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medal 5000
6 years 280 days ago (edited 6 years 280 days ago)
Hello! I was thinking about the strategy for the next race and I have 2 questions. Firstly, if I will fill up my car with fuel lasting for a whole race in the first stint and make a pit stop, will the pitstop take additional time to refuel? Secondly, if it doesn't take additional time is it a good way of planning the stints?
medal 5088
6 years 280 days ago
Hi Szymon, fueling a car for the entire race to prevent refueling the car later in the race will not speed up the time spent at the pit stop, if that is what you are referring to.

Fueling a car for the entire race will hurt your speed and guarantees you will finish at the back of the grid.
medal 5000
6 years 279 days ago
Ok, thank you for help!
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