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Training progress problem

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medal 5000
6 years 272 days ago
I've noticed some problems on training my driver.
in the past weeks, for every 11 points% of health, the progress bar was growing by on an average of 11 points, due to also the fact that I developed the training facility.
Now, for every 11 points % of health, the progress bar is going only by 4 points.
Is there something wrong?
Please let me know, otherwise it would take me ages to upgrade my driver.
medal 5909
6 years 272 days ago
That's because your driver has reached same level as your manager level. So driver's star's turn red and only gains 3% training per hit. Once your manager levels up your driver star's will go yellow again then he will train faster again. 
medal 5000
6 years 272 days ago
That's make sense.
Thank you....So i've checked my level which is 8 and my driver is 9. That's why.
Ok thank you very much for your help

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