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Error when building buildings!

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medal 5000
6 years 270 days ago
I wanted to improve the building for young drivers on level 2, as I have already finished building the other important buildings.

I tried to start the expansion 3 times, each time 3 tokens and the money were deducted. More did not happen. The expansion for the remaining buildings goes without problems.

medal 5000
6 years 270 days ago
Hi Marius
Can you give a bit more info please.
What building are you trying to upgrade in Headquarters?
Not sure why it would be taking three tokens every time you try? Headquarters only take tokens when you speed up your building time.
medal 5000
6 years 270 days ago

I wanted to expand the building for young drivers. I've tried 3 times to expand, the time for the expansion has not started and the building was not upgraded. Instead, I was each 3 tokens and money deducted. My main concern is to develop myself further in the game. I can extend the other buildings without problems. 

How can I upload a picture here. then you see that something wrong with me. There are 2 brown areas to see since the attempt of the expansion, which also do not go away.

medal 5021 Super Mod
6 years 270 days ago
The act of start building or upgrading your Young Driver Academy does not take Tokens. 

I think you probably scouted a driver (marked in black), instead of upgrade that facility (marked in red)

To upgrade a picture you have to upload that in a server, then use its url to inset in the post. There's a button to add image.
medal 5000
6 years 270 days ago (edited 6 years 270 days ago)
I did not want a young driver, but to expand the building and it did not work. I have tried it 3 times and each try me 3 tokens and money were deducted. looking for a young driver costs only 1 token. I upload the picture as the building looks like the try looks up as my profile picture. then you'll see what I mean. You can her loking this is the Picture
medal 5909
6 years 270 days ago
You can only upgrade 1 facility at a time if any other facility is under construction then you won't be able to build other facilities. Wait till construction is complete then try to build youth academy and it should work. Use the upgrade button which will have some money next to it for how much it will cost to build. 
medal 5000
6 years 270 days ago (edited 6 years 270 days ago)
I know that I can only build one building at a time !!! And at the time when I wanted to expand the youth academy was no other construction in the expansion! Do not you want to understand it or can not you understand it ?! ok i do it now differently i finish the current construction and try to build the youth academy again! and if it does not work again and me for Tokens and money will be deducted, I'm looking forward to your message.

Now it's time to expand! what about the tokens and the money that was deducted in the other 3 tries? and I will not come back I would have missed me !!!!! a scooter does not cost 3 tokens but 1 !!!!! In addition, you would have to see if everything went right and I can safely explain that open?
medal 5088
6 years 269 days ago
Hi Marius, it seems you're saying you're attempting to upgrade the Youth Academy, however, it's not upgrading it but taking the tokens anyway?

Is this happening on Android or iOS?
medal 5000
6 years 269 days ago
I have an Android phone. yesterday, however, I could start the expansion for the youth academy quite normal ... maybe there was a mistake in the system. Greeting Marius
medal 5909
6 years 269 days ago
 Issue resolved thread closed. 
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