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Minimum races to get best DP

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medal 5000
6 years 269 days ago
I'd like to know the minimum number of staff races to get the maximum number of design points.
Since, I got the minimum number of DP with 1 race (5 stars stffs) I want to understand how many races the staff must stay in your team in order to get the maximum number of design points the following season.
Thanks in advance.
medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 269 days ago
Elite tier, 5 star CD, all 17 races and for the normal attributes you'll not get maximum, you'll get 43 points and the cap is 50.
For strength it takes 6 races to hit the 50 dp cap assuming the other CD who then takes the reigns is also 5 star.
medal 5000
6 years 269 days ago
Elite tier, 5 star CD, all 17 races and for the normal attributes you'll not get maximum, you'll get 43 points and the cap is 50.
For strength it takes 6 races to hit the 50 dp cap assuming the other CD who then takes the reigns is also 5 star.

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