Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 315 days ago
I am sure there is a simple explanation for this-
According to the rules I should get 40XP for scouting and development for each race - so the total should be the same - but they aren't??
Why not?

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 315 days ago
Achievements will give you scouting and development XP as well

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 315 days ago
Thank you Nico,
I have just been reading all the guides and rules and can't find anything that tells me that.
I am not disagreeing with you - just pointing out that it might be a good idea to mention this somewhere - or is it there and am I just blind?

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 315 days ago
102xp - Scouting & 95xp - Development, provided you have all achievements although i couldnt give you the breakdown

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 314 days ago
Yes thanks again David but where is that information?

Hamon Dill medal 5000 12 years 314 days ago
I've long wondered this as well. Thanks for asking the question Jake! - And answering David and Nico..

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 314 days ago
Yes thanks again David but where is that information?
I actually thought i was here
but its not, i'll try and get it added/updated

John Doe medal 5000 11 years 247 days ago
Sorry to revive an old thread (thought it would be better than creating a new one) but could anyone tell me how many xp you need to reach level 8?

James Young medal 5000 11 years 246 days ago
Juan: 2,560 XP.
Since you've asked, I'll piggy back on: How much XP to reach Level 7? I've tried to record the amount for all the level so far, but I'm missing that one.

Kieron Shaw medal 5000 11 years 246 days ago
Nice one :) that's what I thought, now if Level 9 is 3645 I've cracked the formula ;)
Just so you know, it's 1715 for Level 7

John Doe medal 5000 11 years 246 days ago
Cheers James :)
Kieron is right, 1715 for level 7

James Young medal 5000 11 years 246 days ago
You're good, Kieron- 3,645 XP is Level 9 is indeed what I have; and I have yet to figure out the pattern.
My records:
[*]Level 1: 0 XP
[*]Level 2: 40 XP
[*]Level 3: 135
[*]Level 4: 320
[*]Level 5: 625
[*]Level 6: 1,080
[*]Level 7: 1,715 (thanks Kieron)
[*]Level 8: 2,560
[*]Level 9: 3,645
[*]Level 10: 5,000
[*]Level 11: 6,655
[*]Level 12: 8,640
None of my teams are Level 12 yet so I can't say how much is required for Level 13.

Kieron Shaw medal 5000 11 years 246 days ago
I've sent you a PM... I don't actually think I explained it very well but it should help you to spot the pattern :)

Kieron Shaw medal 5000 11 years 246 days ago (edited 11 years 246 days ago)
Don't suppose there is any harm in publishing here for all to see... This is what I've worked out, please let me know if I'm wrong!
Edit: Apologies for the formatting!
Level Points Needed
2 40
3 135
4 320
5 625
6 1080
7 1715
8 2560
9 3645
10 5000
11 6655
12 8640
13 10985
14 13720
15 16875
16 20480
17 24565
18 29160
19 34295
20 40000