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drivers attributes

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medal 5000
6 years 261 days ago
This is probably going to be the most stupidest question, does any 1 know what the colours red green and grey mean on the drivers attributes. I thought red was bad green was good but now im getting greys. Also how do i improve drivers on certain attributes? I dont want to transfer all the time

Best Solution -- Selected by M S

medal 5000
6 years 261 days ago (edited 6 years 261 days ago)
Grey is just average, red is bad, green is good, (All made up by looking at your level.)
Talent isn't improvable, that will always stay the same, expierence isn't too, but goes up each 20 races (just like age) with one or two. All the others are improvable by training, You can train your driver(s) in training, on mobile there is a little button just under the top left corner, with that you can change the training bar to which area you want to train, driver attibutes, mental, or physical, done that you can hit the button train and then the bar will fill, each time it hits hunderd it goes up one in the area you are training.

Don't be afraid to ask, no questions are stupid we are here to help everybody!

Read these guides if you want to get a good understanding of how the game works, and maybe the rules (question mark at the end of the menu in the game) these will help you!

Beginners guide
Advanced guide
medal 5000
6 years 261 days ago (edited 6 years 261 days ago)
Grey is just average, red is bad, green is good, (All made up by looking at your level.)
Talent isn't improvable, that will always stay the same, expierence isn't too, but goes up each 20 races (just like age) with one or two. All the others are improvable by training, You can train your driver(s) in training, on mobile there is a little button just under the top left corner, with that you can change the training bar to which area you want to train, driver attibutes, mental, or physical, done that you can hit the button train and then the bar will fill, each time it hits hunderd it goes up one in the area you are training.

Don't be afraid to ask, no questions are stupid we are here to help everybody!

Read these guides if you want to get a good understanding of how the game works, and maybe the rules (question mark at the end of the menu in the game) these will help you!

Beginners guide
Advanced guide
medal 5000
6 years 256 days ago
Thank you this has helped :)
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