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Boost Bug

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medal 5000
6 years 282 days ago

On Tuesday, during our last race, I had a problem with the Boost of my driver Panzer.
I press it to use it but the Boost remained pushed till its end. So it was used all of it in one shot...
This was very “painful” because I was at the beginning of the race...
And seing the small difference at the arrival, I probably lost the second place for this system inconvenient... :(
Please try to solve this bug. Hope this will not happen again, or at least not to me ;)
Thanks, all the best!

PS: I'll write to you soon some suggestions to improve this amazing game! :)

medal 5490
6 years 281 days ago
Did you use boost and switch to your other driver at the same time?

I did that and I had the same problem.
medal 5021 Super Mod
6 years 280 days ago
I can't fix that issue completely, but if you see this happening go fast to driver's kers and press KERS button again.
It will tell him to stop using the boost.
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