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Going to pit in last round!?

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medal 5000
6 years 256 days ago
Yesterday was 2nd time both of my drivers wanting to pit in the last round!? I have seen this happen when I was leading the race. I don't know if that is a coincidence. Before race I had adjusted my fuel accordingly. So what is the problem. Can cars use more fuel than expected or is it an error - and should I just have cancelled pit stop? Or should I "overfuel".
The only thing I remember I may have changed during race is tyres. If that is the key to the problem - what should I do to avoid getting to little fuel on board?

Looking forward to hear from you all :)
medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 256 days ago (edited 6 years 256 days ago)
If you are using the practice fuel consumption to judge your fuel load you need to remember that practice is done at neutral push (PL3) regardless of what you set in the strategy. If you then do a stint on hard tyres at PL4/5 and you use boost the average consumption for the stint may be higher.
I find the best method is to track consumption in your race notes or a spreadsheet or even look at the lap by lap race data for previous seasons. But when using previous season data remember that temperature plays an important role, lower temperatures means higher push and therefore higher fuel consumption.
Also, if you're anything like me the last couple of laps I'm frantically adjusting push and using boost in an attempt to either catch opponents or keep them out of DRS range if they're behind me. If you're marginal on fuel and on the last lap you have gone "all in" with boost, if you see the PIT indicator flashing usually it is okay to drop to PL1 and cancel the pit stop. Though please don't blame me if you run out of fuel half way around the final lap, I've been there and got the T shirt LOL
medal 5000
6 years 256 days ago
You can look at the indicator in the car status to see how many fuel you used last lap, that will maybe help you with choosing to stay out and run out fuel with one turn to go or to pit.
medal 5000
6 years 255 days ago
Thanks for your answers. I think I get the point. Push level is the thing! Lets say I am settig up strategy and I choose hard tyres. Will the game make a new fuel calculation (so I can believe it)? If so that will be based on push level 3 for these hard tyres? Or does all tyres use the same fuel on each push level?

Well in another manner. If I choose hard tyres - and I probably will push more - how much more fuel should I get?
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