Gen Bayan medal 5000 6 years 255 days ago
Hey Guys,
I need your advices about the Push Level in-race action. How do you manage your PL duruing the races.
I mean what do you do with slow corners, with fast corners with straights? Doesit really affect your speed if you change it with every corner?
Ian Mason medal 5000 6 years 255 days ago
Slow corners high push level, Fast corners medium push level, Straights low push level.
Yes it can make a difference on each lap, Allot depends on the track you are racing on but some of the tracks with allot of slow corners I have seen it give me a few tenths on the lap quicker to when I leave it on just one push level for the whole lap.
To be honest I do not do it allot however as you need to concentrate and I do like to chat to other managers while the race is going on, so it is hard to do both at the same time :)
Can Deniz medal 5000 6 years 255 days ago
Thanks Ian for your help, it really worked for me. My laps are better then before now.