Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 308 days ago
Right this may or may not sound confusing. Im thinkin of changing leagues as mine has just finished so ive just changed to the new car which is between 60-70% all areas, and next years car has changed to 1% as expected.
ok now the important bit, the league i want to change to still has 7 races to go, by the time the next season of that league starts i would of had to compeat 1 race of the new season in my current league.
i could move to new league now an do the last 7 races but then i assume my good car will then change to the 1% new car for the start of another season in 7 races time and i dont wanna do that cus thats just a total waste of a season etc considerin my new car hasnt done a race yet.
So i want to wait untill that season finishes before i join and then i assume i will keep my new car ive just been given at 60-70% yes??? without peniltys and decreased performance????
heres where the problem lies if i have to wait for the other season to finish the 1st race of the league im currently in will start, so i would of had to do 1 race in this league then switch over to the new league, but i guess then i would lose some performance of the GOOd NEW car ive just got????? if so how much in % for having to compeat that 1 race???
Or do i need to leave league so im in none and then when the other one finishes then join it, would i keep the new good car??? etc etc
They probably sounds totally confusing to most but hopefully someone understands and is probably a question for the Developers or someone thats done summit similar.
Basically i wanna keep the good car that ive done NO races with in that new league, but because of the dates its an unknown for me.

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 308 days ago
I understand what you mean. You're basically wondering if you can leave your league with one race left, and then wait to join the new league. Unfortunately, I don't have the answer, as I've never changed leagues, but if I would take a guess, I would say that in my opinion, I think it would work. But please don't take my word for it lol.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 308 days ago (edited 12 years 308 days ago)
No my league has completly finished and i won the league this wk that car has gone, now ive got the new car the day after that finished which is really good, but theres noone in the pro tier really in the league im in and am thinking of leaving aand i dont wanna join that other league mid season and waste that new car cus i would then get a 3rd new car after just 7 races in 7 days time with it etc, so i want to wait untill that league finshes but the new season in the league im currently in would have started and id be forced to do one race which would then i GUESS cause a loss of performance that i wont know untill it get to that stage, trying to work out how i can start my new car in a new season in a new league without performanace loss, its no cheating or anything like that as the car i have now has not done a single race in any league etc.
If i just leave the league im in and have no league at all untill the new league that i wanna join season finishes, then i join it, will i keep the car that i got 3 days ago without performance loss etc?
I said this would be very confusing lol

Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 308 days ago
My current league:
you can see it starts on 10th may.
And the league im thinking of joining:
which finishes on 12th may, im guessing the new season of that league will start about the 15th may.
As im not sure if i definately want to leave, if did the 1st race of new season in current league on 10th may and decide thats it not enough people i wanna join that new league thats starting on 15th may roughly how much performance in % would i lose from a 60-70% car that would of done just that 1 race in its lifespan etc.

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 308 days ago
Leave your league, wait till the other league finishes and then join, i think that"ll work

Matt Dellit medal 5000 12 years 307 days ago
Gary, if I remember things right from when I changed league, since the one you are in now is in season 4, and the one you are going to will be in season 4, you shouldn't lose any % at all.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 307 days ago
I agree with Lachlan - but can't confirm about the performance % you would lose, if any.
One of the mods should be able to answer that question.

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 306 days ago
i dont think you loose performance levels if you change after your league finishes and before the new one starts but after it ends :D
hope that makes sense

Atom Taifos medal 5000 12 years 306 days ago
I left my old league less than a week ago, and joined up to a new league that had just started.
My car % stayed the same, and it's up in the 70% bracket.