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[Official] FIA F1.

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medal 5000
6 years 238 days ago

¡Welcome to the Official Forum of F1 FIA!
  This site was created to show the activities that are in the league, I invite you to share knowledge, it is a space for debate, express doubts, participate, either with chronicles of team situation, new profile photo, colors or livery design , etc. 


  FIA F1

  It began as a simple league, created by Juan Castaño (COL) on May 22, 2017. After four seasons in command of the league decided to cede the administration to Diego Veiga (ARG), this motivated the creation of a league forum, to attract managers interested in an active league, compete daily and achieve complete vacant places. Together with Facundo Zanuttini (ARG) they became one of the most important forums, the images and data of the number of teams, winners of the day and other news in the environment seduced many managers to join the renowned league: FIA F1 - OFFICIAL, since at that time the general forum was not divided into languages. In November 2017, FIA F1 expanded, by mutual agreement it was merged with a league that brought inactivity problems, the good publicity of the forum caused the number of participants to rise, the competition became more exciting and activity grew by leaps and bounds in FIA F1 - SERIES.
  Today a great community was formed between both leagues with different countries as protagonists, such as Spain, Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, which share customs, career aspects, chronicles of their teams, passion for Formula 1 and any motor sport, among other things of interest.


To guarantee a better experience of the managers that compete in the league we have set the following standards:

  • Surveys:

The league is done by all, for this and at the election of the majority of voters, surveys are conducted every 2 seasons to choose whether or not to change aspects of the league, among the options to choose from: Speed and Running Time (Current 1.5 - 50 %) and Free days (Currently in Official are Saturdays and Sundays, and in Series only Saturdays)
Exception: Race time and preseason days are not taken to vote because, in the first case, the managers who are currently or those who enter the league, it is understood that they did so because the schedule is pleasing. As for the days of preseason, as admin I decided to decide what is best for the operation of the league, since there are times that coincide with the days off, and other times they get too long for "bridges" with these.
*Any manager can request a survey that he considers pertinent to improve the stay in the league.

  • Password

Both leagues (Official & Series) remain with free access for any manager that wishes to enter to participate in them.
Exception: The days that surveys are being conducted to determine a possible change in the league, it will remain closed with a security code, to avoid this, that a manager enters only to vote to alter the vote. With this we ensure greater loyalty.

  • Expulsion grounds:

-General inactivity: Maximum 5 days, exceeding the limit is expelled from the league (Anyone who reports absence for a reason for a few days will not be expelled. That manager who adds several races in the league and is absent exceeding the limit, will be considered and will remain in the league a few days more for possible connection technical failures. Free days will not be taken into account regarding inactivity).
  -Exception: Any manager with 2 to 3 days of entering the league and the same amount inactive, will be expelled from the league.
*It is considered "Inactive" that manager who does not enter the game in general, if a manager does not see the races is not considered inactive.
-Inappropriate Names or Images
-Lack of respect towards the others Managers.
-Driver "BUG": The driver "BUG" are usually pilots of an old version of iGP (2013-16), in which specific points of their attributes could be trained and uneven points were generated in relation to the others (One example: Attack 9 - Slow Curves 18 / Composure 5 - Moral 15). Currently the training system "accommodates" the points for the pilot to improve their attributes evenly, it is a way of knowing if you have a driver "BUG" or not. Drivers taken from the Academy have different points, but they are not considered Bug, since with training they match their attribute points. Another way to know if it is a driver BUG is to see its level with respect to the manager, it is known that you can not buy a higher level driver, and if in a few races it exceeds 2 levels or more compared to the manager, it is a clear sign of BUG, also because by exceeding by 1 single level the benefits in training is too little for it to rise quickly.
* The Driver BUG are NOT illegal in the game, the decision was made not to allow them in the league to guarantee equal conditions among the managers.


FIA F1 - Oficial

MTWTFSS at 16:00
75% race distance igp-car 2 cars per team 2.0x race speed
See league



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Equipo de FIA F1 - Oficial® | FIA F1 - Oficial® Team
Juan Castaño    Fundador/Founder.
Facundo Zanuttini    Admin, Info, Design.
Kleyber Meister    Base de Datos.
Equipo de FIA F1 - Series® | FIA F1 - Series® Team
Facundo Zanuttini    Fundador/Founder.
Facundo Zanuttini    Admin, Design.
Kleyber Meister    Base de Datos.
Hernán Napolitano    Info.

©Forum 2017-2018 Created by Diego Veiga

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