Amelia Lyons medal 5146 12 years 306 days ago (edited 12 years 306 days ago)
16777215 Wins, 248% Health, I give to you Leandro Miguel
I also want to take this moment to make Leandro Miguel iGP's official Meme.

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 306 days ago
It's not a bug, my team just has a very extensive physical training scheme in my young driver program ;)

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 306 days ago
That's one hell of a driver !

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 306 days ago
never realised that health showed up on the spidergraph, obv does though since he has 1 for physical and its nearly full lol, i bet if you train physical it will go back to normal again
+ i'll pass info on to get it fixed

Fatmir Aysev medal 5000 12 years 306 days ago
My friend had a driver the other day with 246% health. When he trained physical it dropped to 100%