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Ban players from league

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medal 5000
6 years 250 days ago

My question is: is it possible to ban players from your league to join? there are few players who are joining the league time after time when places are available but after 2-10 races they are leaving.

i think it is not good for the league, maybe they are taking away the places from other maybe active players who are willing to stay longer!
medal 5909
6 years 250 days ago
At this moment in time this is not possible maybe you want to put this in a new post as a suggestion to be considered. 

Who are this players who keep joining and quitting? Have you spoken to them? Why they are doing this?
medal 5000
6 years 249 days ago
Ppl join and leave for the boost you get in training.

Well known exploit been around ages
medal 5088
6 years 249 days ago

Ppl join and leave for the boost you get in training.

Well known exploit been around ages

I don't think he is talking about that.

My question is: is it possible to ban players from your league to join? there are few players who are joining the league time after time when places are available but after 2-10 races they are leaving.

i think it is not good for the league, maybe they are taking away the places from other maybe active players who are willing to stay longer!

Are these different players or the same players joining repeatedly? What are their names?
medal 5000
6 years 248 days ago
Santiago Amaral link
Bruno Feitosa link

And at least 4-5 more brazilian and portuguese in my league League not found or inactive
medal 5088
6 years 248 days ago
Hm. I can tell the two accounts you linked have a similar action of joining and leaving the same leagues recently, which indicates it might be the same person playing on those.

There isn't enough evidence that they're doing something malicious or unfair, it just sounds to me like they can't decide which league they want to be a part of.

If they continue to do this through the month of June then I will consider it unfair, and possibly malicious, and issue a warning to them. At which point, I encourage you to write back here please! :)

You are also welcome to kick them from the league if you see them re-join (or if any of the other players are still in the league). If they have any problems with that they can write to us on the forum or via e-mail or find another league to race in.
medal 5000
6 years 244 days ago
They are gone again! Next time i will kick them out! Thnx for the help! 
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