Race is now live: 60611. No idea as to why Gao is a million miles off pace. Same tyres as leader, running 1:40s against 1:21s. Getting no heat in the tyres, even on push hard.
Wtf is going on?
Aha... Java console says he refitted softs twice. Great success!
Why would this happen? I'm using the Timing + live control. Qualified on softs in rain, so pitted in lap 1 to change to full wets. Noticed the tyres weren't heating up, so changed to inters in lap 5. Again no luck, so posted the OP. Then checked the console log to find:
I have two teams, in each one, on yesterday's race, one of the drivers finished way ahead of his team mate, despite running the same material and having similar stats.
I have two teams, in each one, on yesterday's race, one of the drivers finished way ahead of his team mate, despite running the same material and having similar stats.
And your point is? :p
Thanks for the link Nico. Looks like that thread covers my problem as well. Maybe you can take race ID 60611 into consideration when debugging the issue.
I have two teams, in each one, on yesterday's race, one of the drivers finished way ahead of his team mate, despite running the same material and having similar stats.
And your point is? :p
Point is I don'y know how come 2 drivers with the same material and similar stats, that stayed close all season, started to behave that differently in one race.
I've noticed a similar tradition with both turkey AND nurburg... No matter what team, it always seems to be the worse driver of the two (in two car teams) who seem to prevail.. at those two tracks only..
René van der Kmedal 5000 12 years 299 days ago (edited 12 years 299 days ago)
Oh come on.. Just happened again.
Didn't know it was raining, so qualified and started the race with soft tyres. Used the Timing + live controls to manually pit for Wet tyres in lap 1. "R de Bakker refits soft tyres" ...
Had to wait until he started following the preset variable weather settings (pit after 1 lap of rain) until he actually switched to wets.
Race ID 60632
Team ID 4625
I had this same problem yesterday, pitted on lap 1 after I selected full wets in the drop down menu. I received hards, then I selected pit the next lap to fit full wets and it fitted inters! Race ruined!
I've been investigating this for a while and it seems these problems will appear in the current system when:
[*]It's raining at the start of the race
[*]You try to change tyres before your weather strategy would do so automatically.
[*]You leave "Follow Weather Strategy" ticked or "Unscheduled Stop" unticked.
The way almost all of this works needs a redesign. I'd like to make some simple tweaks to fix this, but I'm afraid a simple fix is very likely to cause unintended side effects. So it will take some time before this can be fixed properly. In the meantime, please select "Unscheduled Stop" when you try to make changes to your strategy in this kind of situation.
Edit: This will only help if you're using the 2D interface. I can't think of a workaround for when you're using the free live controls, except just waiting for your Advanced Strategy to kick in and change your tyres automatically. I'll push this up the development priority list.