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Cannot practice!

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medal 5000
6 years 248 days ago
After attempting to practice I get the error 
Oops! There has been an error. Please try again.

The web request responds 200, but with "zero'd" data. 

Here is the query string of the request. 

Last, for some reason my driver (and the home screen "preparation level") says that the car needs to be repaired even though it is my first race of the season.
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 248 days ago
That driver response sounds like an error you often get if you sold a driver without assigning the replacement to the cockpit first. Try to go to Drivers & Staff, click Change and reselect and confirm your driver(s). Then try training again. Hope it helps.
medal 5088
6 years 248 days ago
It was what Frank described, I've taken care of this for you and also cleared your practice laps so you can re-run them.
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