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Driver's contract expired

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medal 5000
6 years 247 days ago
A driver's contract has expired. I forgot to extend it. Is it possible to get it back?
medal 5000
6 years 247 days ago
If he has not been picked up by another manager on the transfer market then I believe you would have the opportunity to buy him back for three Gold coins. If he is already with another manager then nothing can be done. 
medal 5000
6 years 247 days ago (edited 6 years 246 days ago)
Yes, but I wondered if he could have given me without using gold coins.
I do not remember the name, and it's not on my list.
He was a pilot of academy. I was training him.

So I threw 15 gold coins..
medal 5000
6 years 246 days ago
I repurchased the pilot. Fortunately I found it. The salary is now doubled. Thanks for the assistance .. vote zero. So you lose users ..
medal 5088
6 years 246 days ago
Hi Alberto, the reason the pilot's salary is doubled is because that is their normal market price.

Pilots promoted from the youth academy are the only pilots that can be hired for cheap.
medal 5000
6 years 246 days ago
The pilot was promoted by my accadamy! I dont remember extended the contract and he was finished on free market. I had asked if you could put it back among my drivers, because so I spent 18 tokens for a pilot promoted by my academy with a salary of 800k
medal 5088
6 years 246 days ago
I have returned the 3 tokens you spent on the pilot to buy him back. I cannot change anything else.

There is a red ! symbol that appears to alert you about an expiring contract, did you not see this?
medal 5000
6 years 246 days ago
Yes, i have seen it but i have been busy these days, I have logged in a few times and I forgot it.
medal 5000
6 years 246 days ago
Yes, i have seen it but i have been busy these days, I have logged in a few times and I forgot it.

That's your own fault then!
Stop blaming the game and saying you will lose players/users because you forgot to extend your drivers contract. Would you play that card if you let someone of importance leave your organisation in the real world?
medal 5000
6 years 246 days ago

Yes, i have seen it but i have been busy these days, I have logged in a few times and I forgot it.

That's your own fault then!
Stop blaming the game and saying you will lose players/users because you forgot to extend your drivers contract. Would you play that card if you let someone of importance leave your organisation in the real world?

Who is it you? I haven't blaming anyone... I admitted my distraction and asked if anything could be done..

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