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POLL - Tech Director

Which Technical Director in your opinion is actually better for a level 12 Manager? I own both & confused.

0% (0)
4.5*, Lvl (12), Talent 15, Exp 17, Mor 15, Age 35
100% (8)
5.0*, Lvl (13), Talent 13, Exp 20, Mor 13, Age 54
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medal 5000
6 years 240 days ago (edited 6 years 240 days ago)
I'm slightly surprised that at level 12 I managed to buy a TD with (13) next to his stars, I presume that means level 13?
medal 5000
6 years 239 days ago
He is level 13, sometimes it bugs and you can get one higher than your level, or he is one level too high.
Stats don't have any influence, all the influence is star rating, so go for the 5 star.
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 238 days ago (edited 6 years 238 days ago)
Although there are rare occurences that staff go up one level at certain age steps, but I can't remember at what age that happens and the thread should be buried deep somewhere in the forums by now. But with one race in this team I somewhat doubt that was the case here.
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