Brian Simpson medal 5000 12 years 298 days ago
On the staff page, eveyrone I know is suddenly showing -200 support staff vacancies. This is in a pro series.
All my allocations are still the same and I haven't changed anything. I'm afraid to change or save if something horrible may happen :).

Lewis Goodway medal 4943 12 years 298 days ago
I also have this and it seems me car has not been refitted because of it. I should retire from my race now

Chris Louth medal 5000 12 years 298 days ago
I dont know if it has to do with the facilities being under maintence but the parts for my car i selected to update did not update for the upcoming race...

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 298 days ago
Any races affected by this post here and I'll restart them. A relatively simple operation to improve database efficiency is taking longer than expected, and that will be the cause of this.

Chris Louth medal 5000 12 years 298 days ago
for me the race affected is the elite league race in the "The Formula 1 Leaugue" league

Lewis Goodway medal 4943 12 years 298 days ago
Well my cars screwed and i doubt ill finish so if ours was restarted that would be great.

Chris Louth medal 5000 12 years 298 days ago
http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-launch/62253 im in his race and it did the same to me

Chris Louth medal 5000 12 years 298 days ago
No restarts remember Lewis. Ever

Chris Louth medal 5000 12 years 298 days ago
can u unlock preparation so we can refit the parts please thanks

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 298 days ago
Should be done now. You may need to refit parts again but I'll sort the money out after the race (I'll get it back to your team since it has paid twice).

Lewis Goodway medal 4943 12 years 298 days ago
So now we have started the race but its not the new race its the old race and our cars are still fucked

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 298 days ago
Closing thread, since it's no longer relevant and the posts seem to be getting less constructive.