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restore account

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medal 5000
6 years 236 days ago
Hi! I left my account inactive for some time, but now I think with the team account at -168.9mil !!!!!!!!
 I would like to restore the game from 0, how can I do?
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 236 days ago
The usual way is starting a new account. Get (another) E-Mail address and either start an account with that one or change this one to that address and use the old for the new account.

But the only thing you can't do without money is building up your HQ, plus you're in a one car league. So if you get the red pen out in things expenses, money and even more so token expenses, you're in green numbers quicker than it'll take leveling a new account to level 13 and you'd continue to level during the time you fix your cash. The races might be less fun though if you measure it in podiums rather than good results for a given situation.
medal 5088
6 years 235 days ago
Hi Giuseppe, I've reversed the debt back to when right before the account became inactive. The remaining debt will have to be managed by you, otherwise, the only other solution is to create a new account.
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