Ron Dennis medal 5000 6 years 235 days ago (edited 6 years 234 days ago)
Hello to all. I have a problem getting car parts. please can you help me? thank you so much
Ian Mason medal 5000 6 years 234 days ago
Hi Luigi
Can you please give more information to help us understand your problem. Is this with watching the video? or buying parts with coins or some other issue?
Also Please use a more accurate title for the topic, so it will be easier for other users to find it. For being the first time I'll take care of changing it myself so you can take it as an example. To edit a topic click on the pencil in the lower right corner.
Ron Dennis medal 5000 6 years 233 days ago (edited 6 years 233 days ago)
Hi Ian, thank you for answering me. My problem is I can not see the videos of the advertisements to get the parts. I hope I explained myself well I greet you and thank you
Ian Mason medal 5000 6 years 233 days ago
Please click on the link and post in that thread.
Can't watch ads
This way the IGP team can help you out.