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Race load times 15min

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medal 5000
6 years 234 days ago
Hi All,

For one of my acounts the race load times have blown out to a cosistent 15mins. It is now pointless to try get on the the races.
On a different account I can get in in 2 - 4 mins. Can't understand what the differerncewould be.
Any ideas?

medal 5088
6 years 234 days ago
Hi Bex, are you using the account on the same computer or device as your account without the loading problem?
medal 5000
6 years 234 days ago
Yes, I use them all on the same device in firefox. Firefox was super fast to load for a while now it generally takes at least 2-3 mins. But this one account is out to 15min for 3 races consecutively now. Also, that same account will take 10min to load on on my android Samsung S8 as well.
medal 5000
6 years 223 days ago

Yes, I use them all on the same device in firefox. Firefox was super fast to load for a while now it generally takes at least 2-3 mins. But this one account is out to 15min for 3 races consecutively now. Also, that same account will take 10min to load on on my android Samsung S8 as well.

What sort of CPU and RAM do you have?  And what operating system is it running?  We'd recommend reinstalling the app on your phone.
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