Alessandro Dalgi medal 5000 6 years 223 days ago
Good afternoon,
I am playing in a League in which we have 10 players at Rookie level, 7 players at Pro and none at Elite.
We can't manage to allow promotion from Rookie to Pro without promoting also someone from Pro to Elite, which we prefer not to since we would end up being in two at Elite level.
Is there someway to enable promotion only from Rookie to Pro without promoting from Pro to Elite, or could we "cheat" somehow, for example promoting everyone from Rookie to pro and from Pro to Elite?
Thank you,
Frank Thomas medal 4994 Moderator 6 years 222 days ago
As long as no new manager joins your Pro tier noone will be promoted to Elite in this season, as can be seen by the red arrows symbol in the upper left of the league tab. To enable promotion there have to be 8 manager in a tier so with 7 it's still disabled, so right now it looks like the problem is postponed until end of next season. Maybe try to recruit some Elite managers to help you kickstart that tier, at least until enough got promoted.