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Give me my win back!!

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medal 5000
6 years 220 days ago
For some reason the game decided to pit me on the last lap of the race (this was in Turkey) even when I cancelled the pit stop the game insisted on bringing me in. The game brings me into the fcking pits and then even when I cross the line first, says that I finished 2nd. Just fix it.

My proof is the green pit light on Johnson. I mean I literally fccking have 0.8 litres left and it still pit me!!
medal 5000
6 years 220 days ago
I guess it pit you because when you started the last lap, maybe the fuel you had in the tank wasn't enough to complete the lap, based on your consumption.
It happened to me as well.
Consumption per lap 2.8, and I started the last lap with 2.6, so I got pit instead crossing the finish line.
This could be the reason.
medal 5000
6 years 219 days ago
Happen to me once. I always keep my eyes on that green light on every last lap ever since
medal 5000
6 years 219 days ago
Which one is your car in the screenshot?
as shown on the screen you have 0.8 of fuel to finish the lap, probably is not enough.
medal 5088
6 years 212 days ago
I've noted this issue in several other instances, where drivers are pitting precisely before the start of the last lap or right at the end.

I'm not sure what's causing it, but the devs will be looking into it this month hopefully.
medal 5000
6 years 212 days ago
Ive had pits happening in last lap several times but its always because u dont have enough fuel for the last lap, i could always cancel and then i run out of fuel . And still lose as many places as iff i would have pitted.
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
6 years 212 days ago
We were investigating this yesterday, and have some ideas already as to why it happened. But how best to address it is not clear yet. Obviously, we'll announce this in our changelog if we change anything.
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