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Achievements fixes

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medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 233 days ago
It was brought to my attention yesterday that the 'Innovator' achievement was not being awarded, this has been fixed.
The Innovator achievement will be awarded the next time you max out an attribute.

I have also retroactively awarded the 'Construction' achievement to everyone from the old iGP Manager who didn't have it, due to having all the facilities built before this achievement was added.

If you are aware of any other problems with achievements please let me know in this thread.
medal 5000
6 years 232 days ago
HI Jack,

Thats great, thanks.

There is also a bug with the livery upload. I am sure I reported it before. I have uploaded new livery's on PC and mobile but achievement is still showing as incomplete
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 232 days ago
Things get lost in the noise! Thanks for reminding me, I'm fixing those now - everyone who has a livery but hasn't got the achievement will have it shortly.

We're going on a bug-fixing spree in July, and hope to get as much off the list as possible.
medal 5000
6 years 232 days ago
Come Back (Turbo Boost) not working (from 6). Or what position must be for unlocking this achievement?
medal 5000
6 years 232 days ago

Come Back (Turbo Boost) not working (from 6). Or what position must be for unlocking this achievement?

17th or lower start. You need to start in the bottom half of the grid.
medal 5000
6 years 231 days ago

It was brought to my attention yesterday that the 'Innovator' achievement was not being awarded, this has been fixed.
The Innovator achievement will be awarded the next time you max out an attribute.

I have also retroactively awarded the 'Construction' achievement to everyone from the old iGP Manager who didn't have it, due to having all the facilities built before this achievement was added.

If you are aware of any other problems with achievements please let me know in this thread.

Thank you Jack!! 
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