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What else he needs to b LVL 20

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medal 5000
6 years 214 days ago
medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 214 days ago
This has been discussed many times before. I started a thread about 14 months ago. There was speculation about hidden attributes, rounding on Talent etc. but we never got a definitive response from the Devs. 
This is the thread but unfortunately the images are no longer visible...
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
6 years 213 days ago (edited 6 years 213 days ago)
I just checked this by running the calculation which generates the overall values on this driver, and it says he is level 20...

It isn't hidden attributes, but it may be attributes which have since been hidden (actually, removed) in some cases, or some error in the calculation which has since been fixed. As this driver was created a year ago, it's hard to know what happened. That should be well after additional attributes from the old iGP were removed, which only leaves the explanation of some error updating his overall level.

Looks like something I'll need to repair manually, since he can't be trained any more. I'll scan the whole database for instances of this and try repair it today.
medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 213 days ago
I've never been able to get a YDA driver to L20. They seem to max out at L18 (4.5 Star as a L20 Manager). This has never worried me because:
1. It doesn't appear to slow them down
2. It make a training faster if they max out two levels below your manager level.
Please don't fix it LOL
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
6 years 213 days ago
Haha, well I've just updated the overall level of all drivers. This should stop the exploit of getting a driver who is lower level than they should be then training them to find they are 2-3 levels higher.

As you can also see now Brijesh, your driver is level 20 as he should be.
medal 5000
6 years 213 days ago

Haha, well I've just updated the overall level of all drivers. This should stop the exploit of getting a driver who is lower level than they should be then training them to find they are 2-3 levels higher.

As you can also see now Brijesh, your driver is level 20 as he should be.

Yup he z

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