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[OPEN] Moderator Applications

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medal 5677 Community Manager
6 years 230 days ago (Last edited by José Trujillo 6 years 5 days ago)
Dear community,

Below we explain the requirements you must meet in order to submit the application. All of them must be complied with:

Have an high level of English, you will communicate with the other areas of the team in this language.
Wide hourly availability: 1-2 hours of minimum daily connection.
Be eager to learn how to use the forum in a broader set.
Be participatory and be willing to have a pleasant time on the team.
Have a registered account at Discord. We use a discord server to coordinate as a team.
To be available in discord on a regular basis from day one.
No previous experience is required, just be familiar with the forum at the user level and want to learn. 

If you meet these conditions, send your request to Jose Trujillo at the following email address: leaving "Request to Moderator"as subject. In it you must provide us with the following information:

Name in discord and/or Forum (name with which you are registered):
Are you over 18? Yes or No
Nationality, Country:
Experience in iGP Manager:
Experience in other teams as moderator:
Brief commentary on you and why we should give you the position of moderator and also what makes you better than the rest:
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