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Practice Session

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medal 5000
6 years 230 days ago
I have an idea in regards to a practice session change.  I was thinking what if it were a typical session where you could log in and actually run as many laps as you wanted and try different setups, rather then the 5 laps we get now.  Here are my thoughts:

  • Allow league to set time and length of practice 

  • Allow league to keep the practice as is

  • Users could run stints like 5 laps with a full tank on Softs to see tire wear compared to low gas

The league I am in is very active and I think this would make it more competitive.

medal 5000
6 years 230 days ago
Would be helpful in season 1 but after that you have all those stats available to you from your previous races at that circuit anyway 
medal 5000
6 years 229 days ago
Jon this is true but with each season the development of your car can be at different points based off the points resetting and your designer points.  It may help out with pit strategy as well based on the weather conditions as well as one year it could be 60 and the next 90 which would be drastically different on tire ware
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