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Promotion/ Relegation Help

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medal 5000
6 years 209 days ago
Hi guys,

Only recently taken over the International GP Championship League, the two teams bottom of Elite did not get relegated to Pro, therefore Elite is now oversubscribed. If they are, then it'll leave Pro over subscribed. Relegation between Rookie & Pro was fine.

There were a couple of teams changing before the last race, and one of the ones joining as got a ridiculous stat for Acceleration, considering they are Level 12 as well. I don't know if this is an exploit, but seems to be foul play to me!

Any help would be much appreciated.

medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 209 days ago (edited 6 years 209 days ago)
A manager joining a different league after 16 races would have 16/17ths of a start of season design. If their CD was five stars that would result in 40 dp in each attribute, 50 in CD strength but only 20 in weakness. Additionally the team would have been awarded 48 dp (16 x 3) to assign as they see fit.
Assuming your incoming manager has a 5 star CD who is strong in acceleration and then assigned all 48 extra points also in acceleration they would have 98dp in this attribute. However because all of the other teams should be just about maxed out in everything, I don't see how a L12 team strong in acceleration only and weak in every other attribute would have any chance of taking points in the final race. Chances are, if they're joining for the final race they want to be relegated.

Edit. Just had a quick look at your league, I can see the manager remained in Elite (you have 18 teams in this tier!) but can't see his design. He shouldn't have more than 50 points in any attribute for the first race of the season, are you saying he has?
medal 5000
6 years 209 days ago
Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the reply. Two teams joined the league for the last race of the season, didn't attend, the league season is now complete and the new season has been generated, and they have a really high Acceleration stat for the start of the new season. Their CD is 3* yet starting stat for Acceleration must be about 75+

More importantly the two teams joining for the last race have not been relegated, leaving the Elite Tier oversubscribed.
medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 209 days ago
Hi Richard. Yes it's an exploit, I'm not going to go into detail but I don't imagine two of them did it by chance. If you're the league host I'm sure you know how to deal with it... Which would put you back to a full complement of 16 in your tier ;-)
medal 5000
6 years 209 days ago
Thanks Kevin ;-)
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 209 days ago

Hi Richard. Yes it's an exploit, I'm not going to go into detail but I don't imagine two of them did it by chance.

Is Jack aware about this? I thought he just made changes to fix the exploits that were possible in the past. Is this something new or something that has not been addressed yet?

medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 209 days ago
This little trick always existed but wasn't as important under the old league change system. The new system is much better because it removes second season design boost but now there's another door to close lol.
I believe Jack and Yunus are aware of this new workaround and hopefully they'll plug the hole.
Meanwhile if I were a league host and someone did this to me I know what I would do ;-)
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