Benny Simonsen medal 5000 12 years 292 days ago
so when employing new staff. all the people with good stats. says lower Chance of succes then the staff with low stats....
how importen is this ? compared to stats... and why is it like this
any Good people has 50 procent succes chance and all low stats people has 65-66 ??

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 292 days ago
I had to re-read your post a couple of times
Chance of success = the chance that they will accept your contract [based on how good they are, and your relationship with them, the lower the % the more cash they will need]

Benny Simonsen medal 5000 12 years 291 days ago
ahh okay i tought, chance of susses was... susses within the team.