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Edit name & nationality / Youth academy nationalities fixed

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medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 224 days ago (edited 6 years 223 days ago)
This is a two-in-one announcement.

Changing your name and nationality

You can now change your name, however to avoid this system being abused it will cost 5 Tokens to do so, the same as driver and staff name changes.

The reason we will charge Tokens for this is twofold. One is the game experience - we want to avoid scenarios where people over-use or abuse it, e.g. trolling or diminished realism and consistency when managers/drivers/staff within a league are changing names too frequently for everyone to follow who is who. The second reason is because we will be moderating name changes, tracking whether they are appropriate or not, which requires a lot of time and energy to moderate, so it will help make it more manageable. We will be storing your name before/after any edits, and reserve the right to roll it back to a more suitable name if the new one is deemed inappropriate during review.

Youth Academy fix
The nationality of drivers generated by the Youth Academy will now match the nationality set on your account, if we have a database of names for that nation. Otherwise, a random nationality will be selected. E.g. If you set your nationality to 'Tonga' then random nationalities will be selected as we have no name database for that nation. However, if you set your nationality to 'Italy' then Italian drivers will be generated.

Here is a full list of nations that we currently have name databases for, and so we can generate drivers for these nationalities:

Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay

medal 5000
6 years 224 days ago
Hahaha available latvia and lithuania, but venezuela does not leave, thanks for that staff
medal 5000
6 years 224 days ago
Good news :)
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 224 days ago (edited 6 years 224 days ago)
Hahaha available latvia and lithuania, but venezuela does not leave, thanks for that staff

If you provide a list of names we will be happy to add it. That is how the countries were added - we started with a few then asked users to send in lists of forenames and surnames for nations they wanted to see added, since locals could do a much better job than we can of this. Nobody sent or requested Venezuela, it certainly was not a conscious decision on our part to exclude any nation. We'd love to add the whole world!

We've come a long way since the current names lists were added several years ago, and grown a lot as a company, so I will check with everyone in the team to see if there is a way we can cover more nations as well.
medal 5000
6 years 224 days ago
Can we request more names for certain countries as well? As we have a league with a lot of dutch managers, we see several surnames at least twice...
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 224 days ago (edited 6 years 224 days ago)
Yes, of course. As long as they are fairly common names we're happy to add more to any nation as well.

I've added a thread for this purpose, please post any suggestions there, following the guidelines given:
medal 5000
6 years 223 days ago
Thanks for the link jack, I just posted.!!
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 223 days ago
You can now edit your name on the settings page:
medal 5000
6 years 223 days ago
Random generated youths is better, my UK based youth scout might find me a 20 Talent driver from other countries that others have overlooked. 
medal 4987 Moderator
6 years 222 days ago
Yes, perhaps 50% of the teams nationality and the other half from random countries would be nice. Every YA driver just from the same country is quite boring.
medal 4970
6 years 222 days ago
I wanted to edit my name, it took 5 tokens off my balance but the name didn't change.
medal 5000
6 years 222 days ago
anyone with a "random" nationality continues to generate only pilots of Great Britain?
medal 5000
6 years 222 days ago
More Brazilian names


Adriano, Augusto, Antonio, Alvaro, Bruno, Carlos, Daniel, Danilo, Diego, Diogo, Lucas, Leonardo, Luis, Marcus, Mauricio, Helio, Paulo, Pedro, Gabriel, Rafael, Ricardo, Roberto, Sergio, Iago, Italo, Gilson, Glauber, Romulo, Theo, Tiago, 


Ana, Beatriz, Helena, Maria, Manuela, Catarina, Luiza, Monica, Bruna, Silvia, Sonia, Sueli, Glaucia, Liz, Claudia,


Barros, Castro, Santos, Guimarães, Almeida, Alencar, Brasil, Lins, Chaves, Ramos, Araujo, Freitas, Pedreira
medal 5000
6 years 221 days ago
Do they have to common names Jack?
Just take names from the National Football Teams lol
medal 5677 Community Manager
6 years 221 days ago

More Brazilian names


Adriano, Augusto, Antonio, Alvaro, Bruno, Carlos, Daniel, Danilo, Diego, Diogo, Lucas, Leonardo, Luis, Marcus, Mauricio, Helio, Paulo, Pedro, Gabriel, Rafael, Ricardo, Roberto, Sergio, Iago, Italo, Gilson, Glauber, Romulo, Theo, Tiago, 


Ana, Beatriz, Helena, Maria, Manuela, Catarina, Luiza, Monica, Bruna, Silvia, Sonia, Sueli, Glaucia, Liz, Claudia,


Barros, Castro, Santos, Guimarães, Almeida, Alencar, Brasil, Lins, Chaves, Ramos, Araujo, Freitas,

Please read the messages and follow the instructions provided. Names should be suggested through the designated topic.

medal 5000
6 years 221 days ago

I wanted to edit my name, it took 5 tokens off my balance but the name didn't change.

Same thing here
medal 5000
6 years 221 days ago
Yep same problem, only name changed on some pages but not others. I have a bug report in with the link below but it seems to not been looked at yet.
It is very confusing at the moment having two different names showing and already been asked by other managers what going on.
Bug in changing name 
medal 5000
6 years 200 days ago
Jack, can you add the flag for Pitcairn Island please? Thanks. 
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