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Spent coins on enigines by mistake, please help

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medal 5000
6 years 197 days ago (edited 6 years 197 days ago)
Good night Yunus

I made a purchase of engines (10 Coins) the day before the game to provide the 20 engines programmed.
But since I needed engines for that race before declive, I chose to buy thinking that it would last for the rest of the championship.
However the game did not give the 20 engines but rather 12 engines (I used 2 of the 10 engines)
By mistake, I only read the rules after seeing the delivery of the engines.
Any chance of recovering the spent coins in this situation that was the first time it happened?
Thank you
medal 4989
6 years 197 days ago
Good evening, the same thing happened to me at the same time in the same championship ...
medal 5154
6 years 197 days ago
It happened to me the same thing, I bought 20 engines and I was not refueled with engines in this same championship av paredes
medal 5093
6 years 196 days ago
It happened to me the same thing, I bought 10 engines and I was not refueled with engines in this same championship av paredes
medal 5088
6 years 193 days ago
Hi guys, I'm sorry to hear you weren't aware of this before. Unfortunately, I can't reverse your mistakes. It would be unfair to all other players who have read the rules, as well as those who've made the same mistake as well.
medal 5487
6 years 192 days ago
Intento comprar motores y no me me deja, gasto tokens y nada, estoy sin motores. 
medal 5272 Community Manager
6 years 192 days ago

Intento comprar motores y no me me deja, gasto tokens y nada, estoy sin motores. 

Please open a new topic in the Spanish section and we will be happy to help you.
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