Luke Collings medal 5000 6 years 194 days ago
Weather has changed dramatically in Melbourne over the last 24 hours. I set up and practiced with both cars in the dry. Ride Height was about 19 and Wing level approx 10. On reviewing the data now that it's raining and looking like it will stay that way, the alert was that the Ride Height and Wing level were well out of whack. After using all my practice laps with both cars I'm left with the only option of paying 3 coins for a perfect setup. This has changed the RH - 32 and the WL - 23. That I've done and changed to Intermediate tyres with 3" Rain kicking in the Rain tyres if required. Question is... Is this the right thing to do? and, are dry and rain setups as substantially different as I've just discovered?
Jon Mushrow medal 5000 6 years 194 days ago
Yes rain and dry setups are a lot different have a read of the advanced guide it will tell you have much you need to adjust in wet weather to save you buying set up in future
M S medal 5909 6 years 194 days ago
Also have a look at weather reports for rain prior to doing practice runs if forecasted for rain don't use up all 5 runs for dry and set up for dry.
Frank Thomas medal 4994 Moderator 6 years 193 days ago
There are indeed 3 different setup values for certain rain levels and actually snow, even though ingame it's rain. See Joey's Advanced Guide pinned above in this subforum for more details.
However depending how weather develops the current setup might not be the best over the full course of the race. Additionally this is the only case when I have some doubts if the drivers prefered setups is really optimal for a given track, temperature and rain level, but I haven't managed to put it to any test. Which in general isn't that easy because with just 10 practice laps total the best possible data set still provides a rather soft evidence, because you never really know what's down to settings and what's due to the driver just doing good laps or some mistakes.