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BOT collision in the #HUNGP 1

Incident between Vettel and Bottas (lap 65). Who is at blame?

20% (5)
Vettel's fault
44% (11)
Bottas's fault
4% (1)
Both are guilty
32% (8)
Racing incident
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medal 5515
6 years 211 days ago (edited 6 years 211 days ago)
Express your opinion about the VET-BOT incident at the 65th lap
medal 4987 Moderator
6 years 211 days ago
Racing incident. I don't think Bottas had any chance to actually retake the position. But he can't be really blamed to give it a try and not back down especially with that 2nd Ferrari just waiting there for a chance and Vettel should've took a less aggressive line and left a tiny bit more room there if he'd really wanted to make sure to avoid a collision. So in the end both took that risk and both could only blame themselves for any damage done to them during the course of this event.
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