Andrew Shirley medal 5000 12 years 285 days ago
Last race I was missing one sponsor, but none of them payed me after the race. Im now in the negative. Two questions: 1. Why didn't the other sponsors pay me? Glitch? 2. What happens when you go in the negative?

Naithan Stubbs medal 5000 12 years 238 days ago
Im not sure about your first question, but I can answer your second one.
Naturally, if you go into debt, you won't have money to spend. So you won't be able to hire new drivers, buy new facilities, switch about support staff, or replace car components prior to races. Obviously, you don't want to do this. So I would suggest keeping your finances in good check. If you do happen to go into debt though, you can raise money by selling facilities, using the auto sign system (if you need to hire people, it will hire the cheapest people, and no signing fees), you can also changed the cost of components used by going on your manufacturing facility.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 238 days ago
Hehe your negativity is my positivity. Why are you near a negative finance anyways? Also Gz on your 100th race :)