Andy El medal 5000 12 years 284 days ago
In the menu Shortlist->Active Offers I have an ongoing negotiations (concluding) with an engine supplier, though I do not negotiate with them anymore at all. In fact this message has been there for quite long time now, like several weeks and does not disappear. Please delete this negotiation from the list. I cannot negotiate with any Engine supplier, probably for this reason.

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 284 days ago
What Engine supplier is it? when they mailed you offering you the contract, did you accept/decline or just ignore it? They should [like staff etc] auto-decline after 24hours without reply.
Also what error message if any do you get when you try to negotiate with other suppliers?
I'll pass it on to be looked at for you though

Marius Golombeck medal 5000 12 years 284 days ago
Please check your E-Mail inbox, there might be a long lost contract offer unanswered, still waiting in your Inbox.

Andy El medal 5000 12 years 284 days ago
thanks for your answers guys. Marius Golombeck, I did find an unanswered offer in my mail box and declined it now, this has helped. I just did not expect that an offer (dated to March) could stay actual for so long. Usually they don't wait this long for a reply.
anyway, problem solved.