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Drivers not healing stuck 5%

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medal 5000
6 years 185 days ago
Hi, my drivers are not healing they have been stuck at 5% health since last night so can’t train them.
medal 5000
6 years 185 days ago
That's because you're using an inactive account to train drivers. Apparently, since yesterday, health only regenerates for drivers when the team is active and competing in a league.
medal 5000
6 years 185 days ago
That explains why my drivers have the same issue. So we can no longer train drivers outside a league (unless paid with token) then?
medal 5088
6 years 185 days ago
Kevin is correct, I told him the same thing several hours earlier. I thought Jack may have announced this but it seems not. I've written a post in the Announcements forum now.

Lunaré, correct, teams not in a league will not see their drivers health regenerate unless they use tokens. Only teams in a league can have drivers whose health regenerates.
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