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Fuel should effect qualifying

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medal 5865
6 years 204 days ago
At the moment the amount of fuel you have in your first stint has no effect on qualifying. Can’t see why this is as it restricts what strategies you can choose. For example someone might want to 3 stop at the European Grand Prix and fuel for 5-6 laps in the first stint. But someone that is 2 stopping and fuels for 8-9 laps could out qualify them and completely ruin their strategy. Just don’t get why fuel levels aren’t considered during qualifying. Not sure what everyone else thinks?
medal 5000
6 years 204 days ago
I agree, In the real world your fuel quantity would affect your pace in qualifying so i don't see why it shouldn't in this instance.  It would open up the game to more strategies and less of the boring old "Go with what won last season" kind of racing.
medal 5000
6 years 195 days ago
Go the full hog and start races with worn tyres.
Setup a new section 
5 minute Qualifying
push level: Ease off or Normal
when to run: Early or Middle or Late 
number of attempts: 1(3laps fuel) or 2(4laps fuel)

medal 5000
6 years 195 days ago
I believe fuel levels do affect the qualy,  when i take a lot off fuel im further behind at starting grid then when i take less 
Do like the idea off a qualy session   but would have to take 10 min i guess  starting 10 min before the next race screen pops up

Your starting push level affects qualy now too. 
medal 5865
6 years 186 days ago
I don’t think it does Jerry, where did you see that? I got told that both fuel and push level doesn’t effect qualifying 
medal 5000
6 years 186 days ago
Fuel should affect qualifying, but don't have people start the race with less fuel. There would be some people that would get mad because they were never told about it.
medal 5000
6 years 186 days ago

I don’t think it does Jerry, where did you see that? I got told that both fuel and push level doesn’t effect qualifying 

Its just my own idea, i feel like i always get put back more when having more fuel, and also when using lower pushlevels 
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