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Functionality behind proxy

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medal 5000
6 years 180 days ago
When I try to use this game behind my proxy certain features are not working. (These features being transfers, live race on both pc and android and the watch an ad for free parts on mobile)
This is happens with both Apache Traffic Server and Squid. There are no other restrictions in place on these proxy servers like filtering, just removal of proxy identification headers.

Live race uses a different tcp port if i'm not mistaken, so that should be fixable if that port is opened. But what about the transfers and video function? Which network requirements is there for them?
medal 5088
6 years 179 days ago
Hi Tyu, I'm not aware of the port numbers for each of these services, but I will forward this post to our developers. I cannot guarantee they will publish what port numbers are being used for each or how to resolve your problem.

Is there any reason as to why you are using a proxy?
medal 5000
6 years 178 days ago
Personally it's just to get more clients behind a vpn solution I'm running but at school/work it's quite a common practice to give internet to the computers.
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