Urban Ciber medal 5000 6 years 164 days ago (edited 6 years 164 days ago)
In my league there is useally 1 out of 3 winners, and most of the time the same one, iff he would get money or tokens he would get an even bigger advantage so no im not for this, im one of the 3 possible winners having won 2 of the last 6 seasons and one other team won the other 4 before that 1 other team had won almost all of the seasons. Its hard enough already for all the other teams to even come close to us 3. Again no i dont need the leading team to gain even more advantage
U get the honor of naming yourself champion for a whole season that should be enough.
You being slow is your problem. If someone wins he deserves an award for the hard work. Why should you be awarded for being slow? You can see that I have never ever won a championship, but i want winners to get rewarded.
You don't really gain with money or tokens in this game long term anyway. You can get 3 each race, enough to supply yourself with new engines and parts every race, and you can buy funds with tokens if you run out of them. Works for me everytime. I have never gone to red with it. Be reminded --> I don't think tokens should be awarded for winning the championship. Funds would be enough. (for the first ten teams in constructor championship) And a trophy at least.
You can't even see who won the league previous seasons if you are not part of the league. I feel like wining has zero value in this game. I mean who cares about reputation points to be honest? If I had alot of championships in my pocket i would like to show other players where and when I was wining. You can't do that directly in the game. It's ridicoulous that you cant see other's league's standings for previous seasons. There are just some number stats on your profile.